Tims Kanadische Backwaren

Our special today is Tim's Canadian Baked Goods. For more than 27 years now, company founder Tim Coughlin has been bringing the baking tradition of his Canadian homeland to Berlin and showing us how delicious mini brownies, mini blondies or date bites taste. Everything Made in Berlin and with lots of love for the product.

6 questions to Tim Coughlin (Tim's Canadian Baked Goods)

1. Your company in 5 sentences. What do you offer?

Tims Kanadische Backwaren GmbH has been producing baked specialities in the Canadian tradition for Berlin cafés, supra-regional food wholesalers and Berlin supermarkets for 27 years now. Muffins, brownies, cookies and much more are made by us in Berlin Alt-Mariendorf. A factory outlet takes place on our production site every Saturday.

2. What motivates you and your team?

I like to share beautiful things from my Canadian home country with people in Germany.
It gives me great pleasure to produce exceptional products and thus make our customers happy. The personal and professional development of my employees is also particularly important to me. In the 27 years with the company, we have been able to attract special people to our team, many of whom have worked for us for a very long time. It is important to me that my employees enjoy working for my company. My team and I make sure of that. We are constantly working to improve operational career and earnings opportunities for all employees.

3. For me, the taste of Canada is...

A bowl of maple syrup with a thick slice of white bread spread with butter. This is how we enjoyed maple syrup every spring. The snow was still on the ground, our large kitchen was heated with wood and we children came into the house from outside playing from the cold. It smelled of freshly baked bread from the oven and lots of maple syrup. What a combination! Unfortunately, I also have the dental fillings from this, which confirm my love and joy in this custom.

4. Who would you like to have with you as a dinner guest? Which Canadian-inspired dish would you serve?

The big stars of Montreal Canadiens Ice hockey teams of the 70s. Ice hockey shaped my life in the 70s and I loved it Montreal Canadiens. I would prepare a very large Atlantic salmon fillet from New Brunswick on an outdoor fire pit as the main part of the menu.

5. What is your most important Canadian memory?

To have grown up in the countryside and to have enjoyed the freedom of getting to know nature with all its beauty, surprises, adventures, challenges and dangers even at a very young age. Thank goodness I've survived the rigors of nature. The Canadian wilderness can be pretty tough.

6. Which of your products is your favorite?

Currently our “Chelsea Bun” and a new innovation will be added soon. I'm so excited about it!

Tim's products and their web shop can be found under the following link:

You can also find many of his products in the Taste of Canada store on myEnso:

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