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Land of the midnight sun

Yukon is home to Canada's highest peak, countless glaciers and alpine lakes. The territory of northwestern Canada also offers a unique culinary landscape that reflects its remote location, rich indigenous heritage, and rugged natural environment. Yukon cuisine is characterized by a mix of traditional indigenous cuisine, hearty comfort food and a growing appreciation for regional ingredients.


The Yukon's rivers and lakes are home to a wide range of fish, including salmon, trout, and sea char. Fishing is an essential part of the territory's culture and economy. During the summer months, visitors can watch the annual migration of salmon in the Yukon River.

Accompany Canadian stand-up comedian Ben MacLean on a humorous trip to the Yukon and learn about the special features of the province from Ben.

Local and Wild Ingredients

The pristine wilderness of the Yukon offers an abundance of wild foods. Morels, spruce tips, and wild berries make their way into the culinary offerings of the territory. Regional ingredients, such as the famous Yukon Gold potatoes and root vegetables, also play a significant role in the Yukon's cuisine. With the Goat Cheese Blueberry Quiche from the Taste of Canada recipe booklet, you'll find a delicious way to incorporate widely available wild blueberries into your home cooking, for example.

For information about your trip to the Yukon, visit the website Travel Yukon. You can book flights, for example, on aircanada.com.